World Soil Day was celebrated at College of Agriculture on 5.12.23. Staff Advisor Dr. M.Kandeswari welcomed the gathering and spoke on the role of soil is agriculture. Later students Mr. Vishal, Mr.Golkul Kannan, Mr.Kaleeswaran and Ms.Vishnupria gave a talk on role of soil and water, the theme of this years Soil Day. While extoling the virtues of soil, they cautioned that soil being a finite resource, has to be protected for future generations. They also elaborated on the role of Thai King Bhumipal who wanted to be remembered as protector of soils and donated huge sum for preservation of soil. Dean, Dr.K.Sivasubramaniam appreciated the speakers for their hard work in gathering relevant details and presenting them to the audience. He also spoke on the role of soils and how panchaboothas are found in soil and the need to preserve it especially under Indian context due to the huge population. Dr.Poovizhisindhu, Asst .Prof. Soil Science proposed the vote of thanks.