Examination Policy


Sri Venkateshwaraa College of Engineering & Technology, Pondicherry is one of the leading self financing Engineering colleges in the state of Pondicherry which got affiliated AICTE & Pondicherry University, Pondicherry frorn the academic year 2014-15 which was established in 2014 under Pondicherry University with initially Five branches. Presently runs with 5department along with PG programme in MBA.

The Exarn Cell and Internal Audit committee for this institute has been constituted as per the Pondicherry University guidelines to decide upon academic policies and academic activities from time to time. With the approval from Principal and Internal Quality Assurance Cell [IQAC], the methodology for examination and evaluation of the programme run by this institute is as under. Examination Committee is constituted as follows:

  1. Principal
  2. Exam Cell Coordinator
  3. Department Coordinator
  4. Internal Audit Coordinator


Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for internal exam conduction



Our objective is to shape young people’s understanding of science and technology so they can meet the challenges of the future by continuously improving all processes and resources for the benefit of humanity.


The Role of Exam Cell:

The Exam cell coordinates with Pondicherry University regarding all matters related to the University Examinations. The Incharge also coordinates along with the principal regarding all the proceedings of the Exam cell. Anyinformation either received or required to be sent to the University is being deal within the cell. Any circular, guidelines, office order, notifications received by the college is processed in the cell, reply thereof prepared and after principals signature dispatched to the University.


  • Examination notices received from the university are duly served to all concerned.
  • Notices from University indicating details regarding exam fee collection, the last date of fee collection, mode of payment of fine etc., are displayed.
  • Preparation of smooth conduct of examinations, preparation of exam schedule, Invigilation duty chart, Seat allotment in the examination halls etc.
  • For conducting examination the preparation of proper staff mobilization, assigning the duty as per the duty chart already prepared.
  • After completion of examination, distribution of answer books to the concerned teachers and receiving the answer books and award list. and preparing in the desired format to send them to University.
  • After the results of various examinations received from the university,distribution of mark sheet to students.
  • The cell analyzes all examination results and in consultation with the Principal, prepares the report thereof for submission to appropriate authorities for follow up action


The Power and Duties of Examination Committee (EC) :

  • The EC shall ensure proper performance of the various duties in conducting examinations viz. Question paper collecting, time table preparation, assessment and internal marks uploading.
  • The EC shall recommend examination reforms and shall implement them after approval.
  • The EC shall arrange for strict vigilance during the conduct of examination so as to avoid use of unfair means by the students, faculty, and invigilators.
  • The EC shall be an independent committee consisting of staff members appointed by principal, Head of departments as and when required to deal with the complaints related to the conduct of examinations.
  • The recommendations of the CRC shall be approved by Principal, EC to take appropriate disciplinary actions in the concerned matter. The disciplinary actions shall be endorsed by the EC.
  • The various formats shall be prepared by EC for record keeping and monitoring all examination related activities.
  • The EC shall perform all duties and responsibilities that are assigned by
  • EC shall be supported by the Department exam Coordinator for conducting internal examination.

Continuous Internal Assessment  (CIA):

  1. CIA of theory are to be conducted centralized in all Department through the semester Total mark for CIA of each course is 75. In descriptive examination, student has to answer all questions of 75 marks in 180 minutes duration.
  2. The minimum internal test mark is 38 out of
  3. The marks obtained by the student in CIA will be shared with the students and are expected to affix their signatures during a prescribed period as a confirmation of their verification of the marks.

Conduction of Examination:

Exam Cell Coordinator (ECC) shall be responsible for smooth and proper conduct of examination in the Institute. The function of ECC is to,

  1. Give the directions to all Departmental Examination Coordinators (DEC) for smooth conduct of examination.
  2. Prepare the master plan for seating arrangement, by taking into considerations the total number of students appearing for the examination and seating arrangement available in the institute
  3. The duty of EC is to prepare the internal Exam schedule and approval from Department heads.
  4. Receive the requirements of answer books, drawing sheets, graph papers and other material from Exam cell of various departments and keep it ready centrally for distributing to students during examinations. A record of the same shall be maintained.
  5. Receive the cases of misbehavior, malpractices cases from Examination Coordinators and forward the same to Principal for further necessary action.
  6. Receiving the faculty list from respective department for appointing as hall supervisor
  7. Seating arrangements are made as per the university norms.
  8. ECC shall hand over the required material to the invigilators, at least 20 minutes before the start of the examination.
  9. There shall be continuous monitoring by taking rounds in different examination Halltoconfirm that invigilators are performing their duties properly and discipline is being maintained during examination.

10.After receiving the answer books from invigilators, DEC shall check them as per the attendance record submitted by the invigilators and then soft out the answer books of  each course separately.

  1. ECC shall check the bundles of answer books of each course separately along with copies ofattendance sheet etc.
  2. ECC shall maintain the account of answers books received and consumed for the examination in a resister.
  3. The answer script are distributed to respective staff members within a day for evaluation through ECC with register signed.
  4. The subject member evaluate answer scripts using a predefined marking scheme. The marks are submitted to class advisor for result analysis after students sign in answer script.
  5. The results are entered in web portal and result analysis meeting will be conducted through HOD


Retest Procedure:

After the examination the class advisor has to collect the consolidated marks for filtration. The result of the exam should be declared within 2 days of the Examination.The result should be declared to the Exam cell.

Re-Test for all courses will be conducted usually 2-3 days after announcement of CIA Marks  for absentees and slow learners in addition to the regular examination to improve the result.

Guidelines/Instructions to the Invigilators:

The invigilators shall enter the examination hall at least l5 minutes before the start of examination. Invigilator shall

  1. Ask the students to keep their books, note books, mobile phones and their written materials at the front of the hall/outside the hall. Enter correct seat numbers; use only blue ink for
  2. whether the students have occupied their seats as per the seating arrangement. Distribute answer books to the students at least l0 minutes before the start of the examination and ask them to fill in correct details on the front page of the answer book.
  3. Distribute the question papers to the students at the beginning of the examination
  4. Check the identity cards of the students and sign on their answer books, if all details are corre
  5. Take the signature of students on the attendance sheet, mark “AB” for absent students and maintain the attendance record of his/her examination
  6. Distribute the supplements, graph papers to the students as and when demanded by the students.
  7. Maintain general discipline in the classroom by frequently moving in the examination hall and preventing any malpractices or attempt of copying by students.
  8. Report cases of misbehavior, indiscipline, malpractices and copying cases of students to the EC for further necessary action.
  9. Give warning to the students to return their supplements, 10 minutes before the end of examination.
  10. Collect the answer books from the students at the end of examination and arrange them sequentially as per.the examination seat numbers of students for each course separately
  11. Hand over the answer books and filled in format to EC

Examination Grievance Redressal Standard Operating Procedure


The objective of this SOP is to establish a systematic and transparent process for addressing and resolving examination-related grievances raised by students.

Procedure for grievance redressal

  • The department exam cell coordinator must be approached by students.
  • The department exam cell coordinator must receive an letter that is properly phrased and states the grievance.
  • After reviewing the letter, the department exam cell Coordinator will send it, with the department head’s approval, to the Principal.
  • Before returning it to the examination department, the Principal will carefully review it in consultation with the concerned faculty and make a comment on it.
  • The students will receive notification after the necessary actions have been taken.
  • The procedure is totally honest and transparent.

Exam Related Grievance

  • Teachers tackle significant problems such as students not being able to locate their preferred elective subject when filling out an online exam form, exam dates being on the same day, date extensions owing to server outages, or subjects being switched by bringing these issues to the notice of university administrators and giving students feedback.
  • Advice for students regarding the timing and format of university exams, Specific complaints are addressed as needed.

Guidance to the students about rechecking and re-evaluation process:

  • Students are guided by faculty members regarding the process/timetable of the rechecking and re-evaluation process.


Sri Venkateshwaraaa College of Engineering & Technology


Sri Venkateshwaraa College of Engineering and Technology – Puducherry

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